Women in Finance: 2015 Forté College Fast Track to Finance Conference

Women in Finance: 2015 Forté College Fast Track to Finance Conference

Last May 1, 2015, Kai members travelled to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston to join the Forte College Fast Track to Finance Conference. In this one-day conference, we explored a variety of financial careers including stock analysis, portfolio management and working with private clients through lectures on finance, stock pitch challenges, portfolio simulations and hearing from women business leaders.

Kai Takes on NYC Tech Scene Student Reflections [Part 2 of 4]

Kai Takes on NYC Tech Scene Student Reflections [Part 2 of 4]

This is the second batch of the reflections from students that participated in the Kai trip to NYC. Click here for the first batch. For an overview of the trip see the itinerary here, or read the Wesleyan Argus article on the trip here. For those that are interested in more trips like these, check back often! We'll be posting details in July on upcoming trips to NYC, Boston, and Silicon Valley.


The Double Edged Sword of Start-Up Weekends

The Double Edged Sword of Start-Up Weekends

By Mikaela Reyes

Originally published on the Huffington Post here.

After recently joining my first Start-Up weekend, I realized how the "start a company in 54-hours" format wasn't as appealing to me as I thought it would be.

Don't get me wrong. A lot of great things have been born out of these fast-paced weekends. These environments equip those with budding ideas with the right atmosphere to move forward, when they otherwise wouldn't have the resources or motivation to. A team that believes in the idea is formed and more minds come together to brainstorm. If the cultivated business plan passes through the watchful eye of the judges, prizes await for the further development of these products or for the growth of the team members. Whether you take that win or not, you receive bragging rights, a bigger network, guidance and mentoring, a great learning experience and a basket full of free goodies!