Spring 2016 Wrap Up: Liberal Arts in Tech

Spring 2016 Wrap Up: Liberal Arts in Tech

By Mika Reyes (Kai Entrepreneurship Wesleyan Co-President)
I probably sent out 70+ emails total to coordinate the annual Silicon Valley trip we had early this year - cold emails to our hosts, reminder emails to our participants, follow-up emails to the Kai team. Kai’s Slack channels were buzzing with ideas about how to fundraise for our participants, where we should live for the week, which companies to visit on each day, how to be smart about our funds. We worked tirelessly to make this program successful for the second time in a row, and I like to think we did just that. 

Silicon Valley Trip 2016 Reflections: Square, IDEO, Twilio, Facebook, Google, and More.

Silicon Valley Trip 2016 Reflections: Square, IDEO, Twilio, Facebook, Google, and More.

Over spring break, Kai Wes traveled to Silicon Valley to learn from Wesleyan graduates and entrepreneurs. Leah Cabrera, Olivia Chavez, and Fortune Jackson-Bartelmus wrote a reflection on their trip below. Linked here is a short video of the experience. 

Fall 2015 Wrap Up: Our Busiest Semester Yet

Fall 2015 Wrap Up: Our Busiest Semester Yet

 By Alex Garcia (Kai Entrepreneurship Wesleyan co-president)
This Fall was Kai’s most eventful semester yet with an event almost every week that helped us accomplish our mission of entrepreneurship education and exposure for Wesleyan students of all backgrounds. October had three big events that Kai helped organize: Startup Weekend Central Connecticut, the Kai Speaker series, and the NYC Fall Break trip to tech offices.