By sponsoring Kai Entrepreneurship you are creating, educating and training the next generation of Wesleyan entrepreneurs. Kai Entrepreneurship runs impactful programs that inspire and train current Wesleyan students in social and tech entrepreneurship.
Funding from $5k and up or in-kind services will make a tremendous difference to us and our community. See below for the specific programs your company can sponsor—on-campus competitions to corporate on-site introductions and workshops—which will meaningfully impact the lives of young college students from all backgrounds.
Contact us at if you have any questions.
Spring 2016- Fall 2017 Program Slideshow

Testimonial from our Wesleyan Partners
Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship (PCSE)
“The Kai Wesleyan team is not only diverse, innovative, passionate, and driven; they are also among the most efficient and effective planners and implementers at Wesleyan today. Each member of the leadership team brings a specific skillset to the table, and – despite being a new organization – they work together like a well-oiled machine.”
Makaela Kingsley, Director of PCSE.
Wesleyan Office of Equity and Inclusion
“Without question Kai represents the next level of engaging the rich demographic difference of the Wesleyan student body, and putting it into play by creating educational opportunities where highly diverse teams of students autonomously look at developing key socio-cultural entrepreneurial tech skills Wesleyan should be known for if it is to continue to be relevant on the national educational landscape. In many ways, the mission of Kai, as demonstrated by their recent campus events and projects, is a student initiative that much bigger and wealthier universities such as Stanford and MIT are already putting into place from the top down. I see Kai and the diverse, innovative students that run it as the pointy tip of the spear when it comes to showcasing why a liberal arts education set in a diverse learning environment is the best solution for us as a nation, if we are to innovate ourselves out of the problems we face as a nation.”
Antonio Farias V.P. For Equity & Inclusion, Title IX & ADA Compliance Officer
Current Sponsorship Possibilities
WESHACK (Hackathon)
Kai Startup Funding Challenge (Business Plan Oriented Competition)
Kai Fellows (Small scale funding throughout the year, around $50 to $100 grants)
Kai Trips (Recruitment trips to top tech companies)
Sponsor Benefits
By sponsoring Kai your company can create good-will and positive brand association with some of America's brightest and most creative college students. Each year we aim to have only three to four corporate sponsors chipping in $5k to $10k each, so you can expect your organization to get very personalized attention.
For Benefits Summary Please Contact asgarcia[at]
2015-2016 Projected Budget
The following budget has been created by Co-President Alex Garcia and has been approved by the Kai executive team. Sponsors may restrict their donation to any of the budget categories that interest them.
Wesleyan Student Demographics
Wesleyan students are smart, creative, and from all over the world. This demographic for many companies is extremely valuable, yet hard to meaningfully reach. Read below for further details.