Launch Month Reflection

By Alex Garcia (Co-President) 

This month marked the launch of Kai Entrepreneurship, and the team wasted no time getting the word out about new opportunities regarding entrepreneurship and tech on campus, in addition to also initiating plans for engaging a broader swath of campus in our programs.

In the span of one month we had four guest speakers from around the country come to Wesleyan and speak to students, four class sessions of the “Innovation Through Design Thinking” for-credit student forum, and selected nine lucky students to go on our pilot “Wesleyan Comes to Silicon Valley” trip.

During spring break these nine students will be meeting with over 12 alumni and friends of Wesleyan at their workplaces. Alumni and friends of Wesleyan work at some of the coolest companies in tech and social entrepreneurship. From gaming companies like GREE international and Machine Zone to popular services such as Facebook and Box.

After spring break, we’ll have two more speakers come to campus, continue the Innovation Through Design Thinking class, have a student meet and greet with NYC tech alumni, and launch two new initiatives that will be announced here on our blog.

We’ve been deeply concerned with how socioeconomic status and work-study jobs affect students’ ability to get involved with entrepreneurship, and these two new programs will help in our effort to make opportunities in entrepreneurship and tech more accessible to all.

We’re extremely grateful for all the support we’ve received from the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship, the Wesleyan Office of Equity and Inclusion, and fellow students. Stay tuned here and on our social media, and go wes!